Monday, November 21, 2011

Thanksgiving Beer Review!

Check in all week. 1000 by year end seems to be in reach.

1) Stone - La Citrueille Celeste De Citracado - 5% - Brewed with Pumpkin, Yams, Lemon Verbena, Birch bark and something else that I have no idea what it is. This is a pumpkin pie on acid, Gald to have tried....would probably not try again.

2) Berkshire Brewing - Holidale 2011 - 9.5% - Eminently drinkable Barleywine. I think this will sneak up on you. Pretty good price too at 6 bucks or so for a bomber. Will most likely buy a few more!

3) Stone - Verical Epic 11-11-11 - 9.0% - I think Stone just made its White get flavors all around the spectrum, Cinnamon, Chiles and Belgian Yeast all really swirl. This will be be great with age but may buy a few more to have fresh.

5) Sam Adams Black and Brew just a tad thin....I could really get into this!

6) Bells Two Hearted Ale - 7% - Part of my first BA trade. This is very damn good. Freshness date is 10.12.11 so that is fine. Very smooth hoppiness. I think I know where Hopslam comes from. Outstanding...this is so good!

7) Three Floyds - Pride & Joy - American Pale Ale - Just a little too sweet and malty for me. Actually too sweet and syrupy. Glad to have tried though.

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