Saturday, August 14, 2010

Stop the Mosque Beer Review

Here via Powerline. Waiting for the You Tube Video of the planes hitting the towers while the Apostate in Chief gives a religious lecture.

1) Terrapin - Hop Karma Brown IPA - 6% - Nice meld of brown Ale and IPA very balanced have been very impressed with the beers from this brewer.

2) Dick's Grand Cru - 10% Belgian Style Abbey Ale - Another Grand Cru foray still don't think I've had the same Grand Cru twice. Anyway, very good. Nice fruity taste. Alcohol is sneaky!

News alert!

Very close to having the requisite numbers of beers in house where I can begin a countdown to 500 reviewed. Thanks to MC I identified a beer that I reviewed but forgot to track! Kind of like Hack Wilson getting an RBI 50 years later. But I will state no performing enhancing drugs were used to achieve this record!

3) Sierra Nevada - Tumbler - Very good. Not much of a malty guy but this is what it is!

4) Sierra Nevada - 30th Anniversary Jack & Ken's Ale - Barleywine - 10.2% Pours a nice brown very nice carbonation. Starts off very nice and sweet midway through the chocolate flavors really come through which at least for me is interesting the finish is some nice hop presence. As stated nicely carbonated a little grainy as well. This is definitely a sipper. This warms very well and you can sit for a while with this beer

5) Vicory Brewing - St. Victorious - Dopplebock - 8.5% got a lot of caramel and Toffee going on here. Nice to have a new Victory brew!

1 comment:

mc said...

Always glad to participate in history.

As I like to say "History: It's Alive! Or at least semi-conscious. Maybe passed out somewhere...but the hands of that drunks heart keep ticking. Maybe it's digital and silent nowadays. But nevertheless History is a Wretched Drunk and we live it's Hangover!!!'"

I say that all the time, just like that.