Tuesday, July 3, 2012

4th of July Beer Review!

Gonna have some interesting one's coming up

1) Great Divide - Barrel Aged Old Ruffian - 12.7% - Nothing says America better than a whiskey barrel aged barleywine!  Pours with no head get a bit of whiskey in the nose.  Toffe and caramel in the taste.  Zero in the way of alchol heat!

2) Captain Lawrence - Hops and Roses - American Wild Ale - Very funky bret nose and taste.  Slight hops taste with a bit of floral (for real) notes.  May get some more on Saturday.

3) Clown Shoes - Pimp - 10.0% - Big Time Brown Ale wow!  - There is some bourbon in this I am sure.  Very tasty not much of a brown ale fan but this is very good.

4) Karbach - Weisse Versa - 5.2% - Hefeweizen - damn Texas makes some good Hefe's! 

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