Thursday, December 29, 2011

East Hartford in the House!

Hit Olde Burnside in East Hartford and TullyCross and picked up the fine treats pictured below. Have been to TullyCross before....good news is that the head brewer is a protege of the folks at Nebco. TullyCross is going to go places. They are doing a collaboration with NebCo using the 668 yeast strains as well as hopping it with Citra. The release is 1/4/12 and Brian the head brewer gave me a sample before even the NebCo guys have had it. He also gave me a sample of an upcoming Imperial Stout release....still in the tank, no carbonation and delicious! CT Beer geeks rejoice. The IPA review below is because I think I didn't have it before.

1) TullyCross - Batch 6 IPA - I have had their IPA before....this is by a new brewer so I figure I'd count this as new. They are going to vary the recipes by batch number. This is a mild IPA...tasty!

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