Thursday, October 28, 2010

Pre Election Beer Review!

Hopefully it is a good one, the election that is, my reviews are always superb....maybe in the beginning!

1) Cigar City - Jai Alai - IPA 7.5% - Nice American IPA - Hoppines is to muted for me though. The West Coast ones seem much better.

2) Smuttynose - Really Old Brown Dog Ale - old Ale 10% - Anyone who brews a beer in honor of their old dog is ok in my books. I believe I had this on tap at the Tiger. A little thin but really get the plum and raisin flavor. ABV not at all hidden. Might get one for the cellar!

3) Smuttynose - S'muttonator - Double Bock - 8.5% - Continuing on in the Smuttynose vain...Great Brewery...comes another big one..really get a caramel taste in this one. I really need to inventory what I haven't yet had from Smuttynose.

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