Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Birthday Weekend Beer Review

Came across some interesting beers so I figured I'd start early. Update forgot to post this on Tuesday so moving to the weekend version!

1) Widmer Brothers W-114 IPA - American IPA - 6.2% - Their own engineered hops! Nice. Tasty but unfortunately the bottled on date was 5/19. Need to try this fresh. These guys are underrated!

2) Cigar City - Hunaphu - 11.5% Cracked open one of my ill gotten gains for my birthday. The chile notes are pretty much gone but the vanilla and chocolate are still there. This is a great beer!

3) Clipper City - Prosit! - 9.9% - Imperial Oktoberfest - Oktoberfest is not my number one style but this is nice. Good way to start the day!

4) Victory Brewing - Lager - 5.0% Great Crossover beer!

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