Saturday, August 25, 2012

Weekend Beer Review!

1) NebCo Coriolis ! Eagerly anticipating this for the last few weeks. Poured into a 668 tulip glass. Nice head that quickly dissipates. The taste has a lot of range I get apricot, pineapple, peach and a bit of spicieness. The alcohol is very well hidden.

2) Stone Brewing - 16th Anniversary IPA 10% a Dipa that tastes like lemon pledge. Brewed with lemon verbena. Not a fan.

3) Clown Shoes - Chocolate Sombrero - 9% Chocolate and Vanilla are really noticable but any spiciness has faded on this beer that was realeased 5/12. Good beer. Would have liked to try this fresh.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Weekend Beer Review!

Pre Annual Bluefish Game Edition!

1) Bootlegger's Brewery - Rustic Rye IPA - 6.2% - Pours a nice hazy orange.  Nice frothy head.  Smooth caramel malt with just a bit of hops and rye spiciness.  Good pre game beer!

2) Samuel Adams - Fat Jack - 8.5% - Not too spicey not enough Pumpkin (I don't like pumpkin ales anyway) an Octoberfest on Steroids?  Maybe!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Midweek Beer Review?

Been a while for one of these!

1) Widmer Bros. Old Embalmer '12 Barleywine Ale - 11% - American Barleywine yet I don't really get the hops I was expecting.   Very smooth not sure what aging this might do.  I like this.  More of an english barleywine I guess!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Weekend Beer Review!

1) Knee Deep Brewing - Simtra - Tiple IPA 10.1% ABV - The simcoe and citra hops really balance out.  Wish this was local but unfortunately it is from California!

2) MacTarnahan's - Full Bloom - Classic American Lagee at 6.3%.  Nice Session beer!

3) Weyerbacher - Sour Black - 5.0% No real alcohol buzz here but man is there a loan of taste.  Well done.!

4) Green Flash - Barlewine Style ale (10%) may be done!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Weekend Beer Review!

1) Adelbert's  - Tripel B - Bad Boy Brew - 9.3% - Nice Belgian funk equally balanced with a sweet candied sugar taste.  Delightfully refreshing!